Month: January 2009

Nutcraker invasion

Last autumn there was an increadible Nutcraker invasion to Hungary with over 150 records throughout November and December. Most probably from Siberia as a lot of birds looked like the macrorhynchos race. Also a few birds showed mixed or transition feature. Some individuals overwintering and are staying in the same general area for weeks now.

Yesterday (08/01/2009) I managed to photograph two different birds near Jászberény with the help of the Sakertour guide Tamás Zalai.

Here is the picture of the distinctly long and slender billed individual which certainly looks macrorhynchus!


Photographer: János Oláh

The second individual has not got that obvious slender bill but  still could be macrorhynchus.


Photographer: János Oláh

White-tailed Eagles

In the last few days there was superb action at both of our White-tailed Eagle hides on the Hortobágy. All the visiting photographers were able to take pictures of eagles.

We have uploaded a few pictures to both White-tailed Eagle galleries, please take a look:


Photo taken by Csaba Lóki


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