As in previous years, we spent a week in the Hortobágy area. The tour started on 30th of October, a date that usually coincides with the arrival of huge flocks of geese, however, cranes are also still numerous in the area.

We had luck with both, as (mainly in the beginning of the week) beautiful sunsets ensured some memorable moments with thousands of Common Cranes flying towards their roosting area in the evening.

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Common Cranes                                                                   Photo:Gábor Simay

In the marshy grasslands and drained fishponds we had three encounters with Red-breasted Geese, and we also saw three nice adult Lesser White-fronted Geese, from quite a short distance and we could study all the field characters of this endangered species. We also had great views of 14 Great Bustards.

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Flock of Greater White-fronted Geese                                 Photo:Gábor Simay

Beside these we had a great selection of raptors: magnificent views of Saker Falcons (one of them with prey); many White-tailed Eagles (max. 8 together); 3 adult Eastern Imerial Eagles and an adult Great Spotted Eagle; Long-legged and Rough-legged Buzzards.

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Penduline Tit         Photo:Gábor Simay

Owing to the mild weather we saw fair numbers of Ferruginous Ducks (max 40 on one day), some Pygmy Cormorants and even some Spoonbills (quite a late date). The reedbeds were full of Penduline Tits and Bearded Reedlings.

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Beraded Reedling Photo:Gábor Simay

We had good views of Syrian, Middle-spotted and Black Woodpeckers, Short-toed Treecreeper and in the forested areas many Hawfinches.

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Hawfinch                                                                                Photo:Gábor Simay

Weatherwise it was a really beautiful week with sunshine and no wind or fog at all!

Sakertour team